Pyranha Ripper R-Evo 2
From £1116.00
Some of our earliest successes, forming the foundations of the company and the ethos we operate by, are to be found in our innovations and string of World Championship titles in Slalom competition in the late-'70s and early-'80s.
Understandably, therefore, we were delighted that the Ripper became the boat of choice for Extreme Slalom in 2018, and to see some extremely talented athletes use Pyranha Kayaks to achieve podium spots in international slalom competition once again in the years following.
With Extreme Slalom now having a foothold in the 2024 Olympic Games, we're delighted to have worked closely with NGBs and leading athletes on an evolution of the Ripper design specifically focused on maximum performance in Extreme Slalom; the Rip-R Evo 2.
This boat is narrower, sharper, and faster edge to edge for precisely placed speed where and when it counts. We don't doubt you'll find yourself smiling as you're blazing past the competition, too.
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