Hou Canoes Hou-16


Hou Canoes

Hou Canoes Hou-16

Going up a step, if you know your cars, then liken this boat to a big estate car. It's all you need for a good trip! Be that a day out with the family or a multi day adventure. It will carry a heap of gear, or alternatively a lot of kids and all with ease. Its the big brother of the hou-15, funnily enough a foot longer! The extra length gives a slightly more efficient glide and improved tracking whilst the slight rocker aids turning when required. Once again with good depth it will handle the white lumpy stuff and help you just as much whether you are on the lake or river. A fantastic modern all rounder.

Style, once again it's the big brother of the 15 so a modern style boat that performs exactly as you would want it to. Great carrying capacity whilst being kind to you on the moving stuff and not to much of a handful in the breeze! The flatter, slight rounded hull is well proven and will makes paddling this boat an enjoyable experience what ever your skill level and what ever your water of choice. Also a big hitter with outdoor education centres.

Length: 16 feet 1 inch
Width: 37 inches
Depth: 14 inches
Weight: 34 Kgs
Carrying Capacity: 460 Kgs

Standard set up, 2 seats, yolk and thwart, choice of wood web or plastic seats. This boat can also be set up with 3 seats if required.

Kent Canoes

01732 886688
Mill Farm
Pells Lane
West Kingsdown
Sevenoaks TN15 6AU

Opening times
10am - 5pm
10am - 5pm
10am - 7.30pm
10am - 5pm
10am - 5pm